Doreen Zhao








Art direction, print, digital

Copywriter: Jon Ollom
Hatch Awards 2021 - Bronze

The objective was to create a campaign targeting a younger audience and increase awareness of Olly’s melatonin gummies. In order to do so, we wanted to create visually striking print ads that would catch the interest of younger, trend-aware folks.

Our concept was to highlight the benefits of taking melatonin by showcasing the psychedelic dream worlds you visit only when sleeping. More time sleeping means more time dreaming!

I was inspired by collaging and the GeoCities-type gifs of the late 90s to early 2000s Internet. I love the flashy, unregulated nature of everything created on the Internet during that time, and those gifs are specifically nostalgic. I created “dreamscapes” by collaging stills of those gifs with selected images.

We also created a concept for a microsite, where you could “analyze your dreams.” The goal was to create novelty and a fun brand extension for the campaign.

→  Print ads

→  Dream analyzer microsite